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Therapist Glenda Bates believes in a holistic

treatment approach that involves reviewing

the physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and

environmental imbalances.

The basics of treatment

involves forming a

therapeutic partnership 

for understanding and

exploring the sources

of concern and helping

the patient with

finding solutions for a happier

and more meaningful life

Therapist Glenda Bates offers a unique combination of warmth and compassion that creates a pleasant atmosphere for resolving personal struggles for individuals, families, and couples.

Important to the therapist/patient relationship is the understanding of confidentiality. The process within a therapy session involves sharing intensive and personal information that may not have been shared with anyone else. Whatever unshared information is given will not be relayed by Glenda Bates to a spouse, fiancé, or family member and will remain the patient's sole responsibility to relay the unshared information when and if it is realized as needed for preserving the relationship(s).

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