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In reality, occasional struggles in life are a part of life.  If you find yourself struggling often - a new perspective about struggle and/or stress is needed.


Much like being a race car driver, you must expect challenges and learn how to cope and at times to readjust your way of handling  adversity.  The following suggestions give some insight for a new perspective about struggle and/or stress.

For example, your work life may have been going along smoothly and then a personal life-changing event happens:  a new supervisor.  Do you have an adversity to change?  New perspective suggestion:  Do you have any authority to avoid this, probably not.  So instead of being anxious about this change, listen and learn the perspective of this new supervisor.  Find a way to flow with his/her perspective.   If the supervisor is realized as being a micro-manager, negative and non-trusting of those being supervised, and your thought of being under a miscroscope finds you miserable - New perspective suggestion:  Change your thinking, by not taking the micro-managing so personally.  Try transforming 

your micro-manging perspective to acceptance of a team management approach. 


Not to leave out the #1 life stressor:  Financial instability.  A financially upsetting event occurs in your marriage/relationship that causes you and your significant other to argue often.  New perspective suggestion:  define some compromising agreements that elicits a supportive relationship, instead of a destructive relationship.  Review the agreements (one month later) for monitoring and discussing how the plan is working.  Be open to making any needed changes.

Struggle is an opportunity to learn and strengthen the human spirit. 


Most people want to go through life like the flow of water - following the path of least resistance.   Expect resistance and learn how to put the pieces together for creating the life you truly want.  This is where we learn strength of character and a feeling of empowerment after positively working through each challenging event.  Avoid personalizing the stressful event, and instead learn what you need to learn!  I know, you are saying, "But it is personal!"  Know this, taking what others say or do personally is like giving yourself a daily or eventful dose of poison.  Do you really want to poison yourself?  If you're still struggling with the idea of not taking it personal and choose the poisoning yourself idea, then think about this health concern:  The mind and body are connected.  If the mind stays in stress for too long, the body responds, and not in a good way (illnesses begin to manifest, i.e., heartburn, etc.).  Does this help clear up any confusion about "taking it personal" as being your self-induced poison? 


If our lives were void of road blocks and sink holes in the road of life, then we would have the same expectation of friends and family members' lives.  Unrealistic expectations and judgments of others is the cause of relationship stress, struggle and many broken relationships.  


As a final suggestion to the resistance of learning how to deal appropriately with life struggles, I share this quote:


The mind is like a parachute,

 it doesn't work

 unless it's open

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